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01 猎取工作不容易 (第4/7页)
can't accept it. although i really like the job, i have to raise myself first. 伊芙:这个我不能接受。尽管我很喜欢这份工作,但我首先得养活自己。 interviewer: i am sorry to hear that. i wish you could find a satisfying job. 面试官:很遗憾,希望你能找到满意的工作。 eve: thank you, bye-bye. 伊芙:谢谢,再见。 interviewer: bye-bye. 面试官:再见。 notes 1. trust company 信托公司 2. thrive on 在……上蓬勃发展 3. expectation [,ekspek'tei??n] n. 预料;期望 4. according to 根据,按照 小贴士 break a leg break a leg当然不是“断了一条腿”的意思,这是一个颇怪异的祝福语。这个俚语源自莎士比亚的舞台传统。演出结束后,演员一般要到前台谢幕,如果表演出色,一般会赢得台下观众的“小费”。接受了小费,演员要弯腿行“屈膝礼”表示感谢。因此,“break a leg”成了希望演员演出成功的形象表达。逐渐地,“break a leg”的语义范围扩大,不仅仅用于演出,也可用于祝福某人试镜、考试或者面试成功。 例如: break a leg in your interview today. 祝你今天面试成功。 薪资待遇要谈妥 dialogue it needs skills to get ideal salary during an interview. let's see how does jim do it. 在面试时,要得到理想的薪资是需要技巧的。让我们看看吉姆是怎样做的。 interviewer: what's your expected salary? 面试官:你期望的薪水是多少? jim: i expect to be paid according to my capacity. 吉姆:我希望按照我的工作能力付薪水。 interviewer: how do you think 3000 yuan a month? 面试官:一个月3000元怎样? jim: hmm…thank you for your offer. but that would be a little less than i have expected. i think the salary should start at 4000 yuan per month. 吉姆:嗯,感谢您提供3000元的薪水。但是这比我预期的略低了些,我的预期薪水是起薪4000元。 interviewer: how do you think you worth it? 面试官:你怎么觉得自己能拿到那么高的薪水? jim: i have rich experience in a transnational enterprise, and i was given recognition for doing well. therefore, i think i worth the salary. 吉姆:我有在跨国公司工作的丰富经验,而且我的表现也得到了认可。因此我认为我有能力拿到那么多。 interviewer: ok, then what about an annual salary of 50 000 yuan plus bonus? 面试官:好的。年薪5万外加奖金怎么样? jim: thank you, i am satisfied with it. could you tell me something about benefits and vacations? 吉姆:谢谢,我很满意。您能告诉我福利和假期是怎样的吗? interviewer: we will provide you with medical insurance, endowment insurance and the housing fund after 3 months' probation. 面试官:3个月试用期过后我们提供