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03 艺术欣赏 (第6/7页)
了珍妮。 mary: hey, jenney! i'm very surprised to run into you in the cinema. are you by yourself? 玛丽:嘿,珍妮!没想到能在电影院里碰见你。你一个人吗? jenney: hi, mary. actually not. i came along with mrs. chen's child; she is on emergency. 珍妮:你好,玛丽。不是的。陈姐临时有事,让我陪她的孩子看电影。 mary: ah, i see. the movie has begun. why don't you go into the cinema? 玛丽:噢,这样啊。但是电影都开始了,你怎么不入场呢? jenney: her kid is so naughty and keeps speaking all the time. the audiences around us have begun to complain us. i have no choice but to buy some snacks with him. but he disappeared in a blink of an eye. 珍妮:陈姐的孩子太调皮了,一直在里面说话,惹得周围的观众都不满了,我只好带他出来买点吃的。可是,刚出来他就没影了。 mary: so naughty! 玛丽:真是个淘气的小家伙! jenney: yeah, i'm just looking for him. i never know where he would go. such a little devil! 珍妮:是啊,我正在找他呢。也不知道跑到哪里玩去了,真是个小恶魔! mary: he is just a kid. shall i help you? 玛丽:这是孩子的天性嘛!我帮你一起找吧? jenney: how is that acceptable? you have a film to watch. 珍妮:那怎么好意思?你还要看电影呢。 mary: i intended to see transformers 3. unfortunately, the tickets have been sold out. 玛丽:本来要看《变形金刚3》的,可票已经售完了。 jenney: it's so hot. 珍妮:真受欢迎啊。 mary: yeah, i have to see it another , there is a children's playground over there. let's have a check. 玛丽:是啊。只能等下次再看了。看,那边有一个儿童游乐中心,我们去那里找找看。 jenney: all right. you are so kind. 珍妮:嗯,真是太感谢你了。 notes 1. emergency [i?m?:d??nsi] n. 紧急情况,突发事件 2. naughty [?n?:ti] adj. 顽皮的,不听话的;粗俗的,下流的 3. complain [k?m?plein] v. 抱怨;投诉;抗议 4. come along with sb. 与某人一起 5. a blink of an eye 一眨眼的功夫 6. sell out 卖光,卖完 小贴士 top 10 horror movies for halloween 适合在万圣节观看的10大恐怖电影 set your halloween night with movies that will make you fright. prepare your fresh hot popcorn and soda, and let's see if you can still eat them fine… 在万圣节之夜观看这些电影肯定会使你毛骨悚然。准备好你的爆米花和汽水吧,让我们看看你是否在看这些电影时还有好胃口。 1. piranha 3d 《食